Normalizing Midwifery – My Story

May is maternal health month and to celebrate, we are bringing more awareness to the art of midwifery. Midwives are an integral part of motherhood. They are highly skilled professionals who have spent years studying and training how to care for women before, during, and after childbirth. In many countries around the world, midwives are the first option (over an obgyn) for childbirth. Midwives are specifically trained for childbirth. 

I am a mom of 2, and I was fortunate enough to receive amazing care through my midwife. She delivered both of my babies. I am very grateful that I can say that I had great birthing experiences. However, I do believe that choosing a midwife over an OB contributed to my overall positive birthing experience. I was told that I would need a c-section once I became pregnant with my first child due to a medical procedure I had prior to getting pregnant. However, after speaking with a lot of professionals, I knew that my body was more than capable of delivering vaginally. I knew that, in order for me to receive the best chance of delivering vaginally, I would need a person who is highly trained in childbirth. Hence why I decided to go with a midwife. Long story short, I delivered both my babies vaginally with no complications at all. One which I delivered naturally and without medication. I share this to only highlight how midwives can really aid in providing a different experience, and in most cases a more positive experience for mothers and soon to be mothers. 

I am an advocate for giving our bodies a chance to do what it was designed to do, and I have found that my belief aligns with the philosophy and values of midwifery.

“Midwifery care combines art and science. Midwifery care is holistic, grounded in an understanding of the social, emotional, cultural, spiritual, psychological, and physical experiences of women and supported by the best available evidence.”

Every pregnancy and birthing experience will be different, and we are all different with different bodies. This means that what worked for one person may not work for you. It is best to choose a care provider based on what your needs are. It’s good to know the options that are available for you, to weigh out the pros and cons and to go from there. Ultimately, a healthy baby and a healthy mama are what matters the most.

My midwife, Fernanda, my 2 kids, and me a few days after Noah was born. She has been such a blessing in my journey.
My midwife, Fernanda, my 2 kids, and me a few days after Noah was born. She has been such a blessing in my journey.

See below a small glimpse of my birth story.


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