Six Ways to Incorporate Kemetic Yoga Daily

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If you’re new to yoga, specifically Kemetic Yoga, and you’re looking for ways to incorporate this beautiful Egyptian practice throughout your day, then this blog post is for you.

With a background in Indian yoga and having practiced it for many years, I was a bit nervous about adopting a new yoga practice. However, I quickly realized that the yoga I have practiced has always been very similar to the ancient practice of Kemetic Yoga. By nature, Kemetic yoga is practiced at a slower pace, not like your typical Vinyasa practice. Emphasis is placed on the breath, and it is encouraged to let the breath guide the movements and to move slowly and mindfully. If your practice mirrors this, then you may not be far from adopting a Kemetic yoga practice.

Regardless of how new this practice is to you, if you’re looking for more ways to incorporate Smai Tawi (Kemetic Yoga), then you may start with a few things from this list that I have compiled.

  1. Morning Ritual:
  • Begin your day with a short Kemetic yoga session to set a positive tone for the day. Focus on gentle stretches and controlled breathing to wake up your body and mind. Personally, I do three rounds of the Journey of Ra every morning and evening before bed. The Journey of Ra is the Kemetic yoga sun salutation.
  1. Sun Salutations:
  • Perform a series of Sun Salutations (The Journey Of Ra) inspired by Kemetic principles to connect with the energy of the sun.
  1. Affirmations:
  • Integrate Kemetic affirmations into your daily routine, reinforcing positive energy.
  • Repeat affirmations or Bible verses during meditation or while performing yoga poses. Kemetic yoga is a very spiritual practice; it is welcome to incorporate your faith into your practice.
  1. Mindful Breathing:
  • Practice Kemetic breathing techniques throughout the day to stay centered. The most popular Kemetic yoga breathing technique is the rule of four breathing – that’s breathing in four parts. Inhale, hold the breath for a few seconds, exhale, and pause for a few seconds to reset the body. Repeat as needed.
  • Focus on diaphragmatic breathing to promote relaxation and reduce stress.
  1. Create a Sacred Space:
  •    Dedicate a corner of your home to Kemetic yoga practice.
  •    Decorate it with symbols or images inspired by ancient Egypt or original African art to enhance the atmosphere.
  1. Group Practice:
  • Join a Kemetic yoga class or form a small group to practice together.
  • Sharing the experience with others can enhance motivation and provide a sense of community.

Remember to listen to your body and modify the practice to suit your individual needs and abilities. Incorporating Kemetic yoga into various aspects of your day can help promote physical well-being, mental clarity, spiritual connection, and, most importantly, self-empowerment and self-worth. It is empowering to take part in the healing practices that were once used by our ancestors. These practices still live in us and will always be a part of who we are.

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