31 Affirmations for Every Day in January 2023

Affirmations can really help us to get in alignment, build self esteem, overcome negative thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, all we need is that quick reminder. Affirmations do not have to be complicated with fancy words. The shorter, the better. We want to remember them and have them ingrained in our hearts wherever we go. 

Here are 31 affirmations that you can use every single day this month for the New Year. You may write one down in your journal and reflect on it, or simply just write one down each day. You may also use them as prompts for your journal or you can read one each day to start your day. I love to put mine in a jar and keep it right above my bed. Keeping it nearby helps me to remember to pull from the jar each day. Check here to see how I make my affirmation jar. Many mornings, my affirmations are incorporated with my meditation. After reading the affirmation, I like to sit and meditate on it. 

Affirmations are powerful and they really have the ability to transform you when it is practiced consistently. The best part is that there are no rules and you can choose to use them in whatever way that works for you. The possibilities are endless.

 Enjoy these affirmations. Print them out and place them on your mirror or in a jar. I would love for you to share your favorite one in the comment section below.

  1. I radiate peace. 

  2. I radiate joy. 

  3. I radiate love. 

  4. I am calm. 

  5. I can do hard things. 

  6. I will get through this. 

  7. I am whole. 

  8. I love my body. 

  9. I love who I am.

  10. I am excited for who I am becoming. 

  11. There’s beauty in being broken.

  12. I am human. 

  13. Perfection isn’t real.

  14. I am grateful.

  15. I show up as my authentic self.

  16. I am letting go of the idea that I need to be perfect. 

  17. It’s ok if I make mistakes. 

  18. I reflect. I learn. I move on. 

  19. I am fully capable of accomplishing my dreams 

  20. I am free of limiting beliefs. 

  21. I exude confidence.

  22. I have a beautiful family who loves me.

  23. I have been blessed beyond measure.

  24. I have a job others dream of.

  25. I am not my mistakes. 

  26. I free myself from the expectations of others 

  27. I am worthy of luxury. 

  28. I am grateful. 

  29. I inhale love. I exhale hate. 

  30. God’s grace.

  31.  I am loved


  1. Ashley

    I love this!! I plan to make one for myself and my sisters!! Thank you for the inspiration

  2. Elsie Foli

    I radiate peace, I radiate joy, I really love, I am excited for who I am becoming, there is beauty in being broken, and I will get through this. Spoke to me ❤️

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